
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

153. Rusty Blackbird

Date         October 12, 2004
Location    Gateway building, Columbus, OH

I often took the opportunity to do a little birding while waiting for my children during early morning seminary. This worked only in early fall and late spring, of course, because of stupid daylight saving time and the earliness of the hour. My efforts paid off a few times in terms of interesting experiences. Once I saw two waxwings pass a berry back and forth over and over and over again. Like, they wouldn't stop. We left before they stopped. It was like watching gears in a machine or something.

Anyway, on this occasion I heard a strange squeaky noise by the bridge, so I investigated. They were vociferous and gregarious and were accompanied by at least one red-wing and one grackle.

Needless to say, I was pretty excited to pick up a rather difficult species in such a mundane location. The little flock must have needed to rest and found a decent spot by the creek that runs through the property.


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